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Mike Kopf

"Summer jam party slam 2016"

It's summer time and Mike Kopf is here for you. Mike knows that you need the #HOTTESTJAMZEVERRRRR for your beach-ready hover boom-box from the future, so they sat down and wrote some summer tunes just for you and your friends to learn how to play on that crappy thrift-store ukulele you bought when you were high around the fire on a warm starry night.


"The first time I heard this album I had to go right out and buy a boogie board, and then make-out with it on the beach. Also, there's no such thing as too many Sidewalk Slams"

         - Garrett Dawson

            "Cowboys & Ice Cream Magazine"


"After you get past the first song, it's actually pretty okay"

         -Mike Kopf


"If this isn't on your ultimate summer playlist, then you obviously have good taste then."

        -Notta Realguy

             "Rolling stone"

All of our music is FREE

But sometimes it costs quite a bit to make it. Want to donate to the cause? No pressure. How much do you think this album is worth? Not more than $5, I know that.

Track Listing


1. Summer Jam 2016

2. You don't know

3. Anime Party

4. Dancing in the Moonlight

5. I'm not a PineCone

6. Utah and Bodhi

7. Jackie Chan

8. Monkeys in Love

9. Sloth Man

10. Treasure

11. Buy you a Drink

12. Bidoof Ultimate Deity

13. The story of the old wooden chair


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