Mike Kopf "GTFO"
Mike Kopf is back again for no good reason. Making poor-quality recordings of stupid songs because that’s the only thing worth doing. “You couldn’t pay me to give a shit, my boss has been trying to do that for years” When you do it on the moon, no one can see you.
"Mike Kopf is a genius and no one will believe me. Some of his best work for sure"
- Garrett Dawson "Humbolt Review"
"This album is a joke with no punchline"
-Hard Man Harry
"Mike Kopf's new album is better than the new Smurfs movie. Kind of. I don't reccomend either."
-Mike Kopf

Track Listing
1.Welcome Back
3.Fig Newton
4.The Call (feat. Bam Motoyoshi)
5.It's All Good
6.Mayonaise on Motor Bikes
7.I'll Make a Man out of You
8.Dubstep (Feat. Taco Mike)
10.Don't Worry
12.Efren and Taco Mike Discuss Faceoff
13.Get Ready for the Future
14.I Want Out
15.20 minutes of me reading from my book.